Fox Canyon GMA


Groundwater Management Agency

The Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (FCGMA) is the groundwater sustainability agency for the Las Posas Valley Basin, the Pleasant Valley Basin, and the Oxnard Subbasin, and acts as watermaster for the Las Posas Valley Basin.  FCGMA is an independent special district, separate from the County of Ventura or any city government, created by the California Legislature in 1982 to oversee Ventura County’s vital groundwater resources. 

Our offices are located in the Water Resources Division of the Ventura County Government Center’s Administration Building. To meet with us in person, confirm with security upon entry, then make your way through the atrium, up the escalator, to the reception desk. They will contact us to come over and meet with you. We encourage you to make an appointment ahead of time, whether in-person or virtually via Teams, for faster, more effective service. To contact us, or for maps and directions to the FCGMA office, click here.

5-Year GSP Evaluation Draft Documents

The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires periodical evaluation of GSPs at least every 5 years, and draft evaluation documents for each basin are now available for review and comment. We encourage you to review the draft documents.


2024-2 Semi-Annual Extraction Statements coming soon!

Collect September 30, 2024, meter readings for extraction reporting now. Click here for more information.

Upcoming Meetings